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    headline filters過(guò)濾器

    描述:headline filters過(guò)濾器

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    Product range




    詳細內容/ Product Details

    headline filters過(guò)濾器


    Headline Filters is a UK manufacturer of bonded microfibre filter elements and associated filter housings, the only major European manufacturer of this type of filter. These filters are suitable for a variety of gas and liquid applications. The disposable bonded microfibre filter elements are extremely efficient as well as being low cost. They offer high flow rates with very low pressure drops. All products conform to industry standard sizes and grades and are compley interchangeable with other manufacturers housings and filter elements.

    The comprehensive product range enables greater flexibility for customers because of the greater choice. The development of new products is customer driven, with our engineers working closely with OEM customers and end-users. Special housings and filter elements developed to meet specific customer requirements and specifications are available.

    A global distributor network, that includes all of Europe and the USA, South East Asia, Australia and South Africa, offers unbeatable delivery times and service. All standard products are kept in stock.


    Coalescing Filters Regulators

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    Principal Specifications



    Displaying items by tag: filter elements
    Thursday, 30 September 2010 13:47

    Coalescing Filters Regulators

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    Principal Specifications



    icon High Efficiency Coalescing Filters (33.68 kB 2010-09-23 15:23:42

    Published in Filter Elements
    Wednesday, 29 September 2010 11:05

    Air Flow Rates

    In Nm3/hr at stated line pressure and 0.1 Bar Pressure Drop



    icon Air Flow Rates (11.36 kB 2010-09-23 15:21:18

    Published in Filter Elements
    Thursday, 23 September 2010 14:09

    Vapour Adsorption Cartridges

    Wide range of adsorbents
    Cartridges to fit most housings
    Disposable for convenience
    No handling of loose adsorbents

    12-32-XXTPCatalog_pics_037 25-64-CCTSCatalog_pics_167 25-178-XXTSCatalog_pics_036

    12-32-xxTP 25-64-xx 25-178-xx


    Headline vapour adsorption cartridges comprise inner and outer filter tubes with the space between filled with adsorbent. The cartridges are sealed with nylon end caps.

    Headline vapour adsorption cartridges are designed to fit all standard size filter housings to provide vapour adsorption over the full range of line pressures.

    Flow rates are the same as for grade 50 elements in the same size bodies. However, with adsorption, more important considerations will be the volume of adsorbent and the contact time.


    Principal Specifications



    Published in Filter Elements
    Thursday, 23 September 2010 14:00

    Disposable In-Line Absorbers

    Wide range of adsorbents
    Four body sizes available
    Disposable for convenience
    No handling of loose adsorbents

    DIA-MNCCCatalog_pics_137 DIA-BNCC-OLDCatalog_pics_135 DIA-INXXCatalog_pics_034 DIA-LNCCCatalog_pics_122

    DIA-MNxx DIA-Nxx DIA-INxx DIA-LNxx



    Headline Disposable In-Line Adsorbers consist of nylon bodies filled with granular adsorption material with integral inlet and outlet filter pads. Four sizes are available, containing from 6cc up to 120cc of adsorbent.

    Flow rates are the same as for grade 50 elements in the same size bodies. However, with adsorption, more important considerations will be the volume of adsorbent and the contact time.

    A range of adsorbent materials is available, and these are detailed below.


    Principal Specifications


    Published in Filter Elements
    Thursday, 23 September 2010 13:34

    Intermediate & Large Disposable In-Line Filters

    Compley disposable
    Easy to install and replace
    Choice of housing materials
    Excellent chemical resistance
    Five grades of filtration
    2 or 3 port designs

    DIF-INXXCCatalog_pics_033 DIF-LN60Catalog_pics_106

    DIF-INxxC DIF-LNxx


    Headline Intermediate and Large Disposable In-line Filters are available in two-port or three-port configurations for particulate and coalescing applications respectively. Where running cost is more important than initial cost, plastic housings with replaceable elements should be considered.

    Large DIF’s are also offered with threaded ports (1/4”NPT): simply add 1/4”NPT to the product code.


    Principal Specifications



    icon Intermediate & Large Disposable In-Line Filters (60.75 kB 2010-09-23 15:22:54

    Published in Filter Elements
    Thursday, 23 September 2010 13:30

    Disposable In-Line Filters

    Compley disposable
    Easy to install and replace
    Choice of housing materials
    Excellent chemical resistance
    Five grades of filtration

    DIF-MN60Catalog_pics_138 DIF-NXXCatalog_pics_035 DIF-K50-OLDCatalog_pics_134 DIF-BN50Catalog_pics_136

    DIF-MNxx DIF-Nxx DIF-Kxx DIF-BNxx

    Headline Filters range of Disposable In-Line Filters consists of permanently welded housings with encapsulated filter elements. This makes them ideal for portable analysers and other analysis systems requiring a robust and easily replaceable filter. A choice of body materials makes them suitable for a wide range of chemical environments.

    The units on this page are designed for particulate removal applications. For coalescing and bypass filtration duties, the DIF-INxxC, DIF-LNxxC and DIF-LKxxC should be considered. Where running cost is more important than initial cost, plastic housings with replaceable elements should be considered.

    The ‘xx’ in the part number should be replaced with the grade required, e.g. DIF-N70, DIF-MN40.


    Principal Specifications



    icon Disposable In-Line Filters (62.53 kB 2010-09-23 15:22:54

    Published in Filter Elements
    Thursday, 23 September 2010 11:49

    PTFE Filter Elements

    160-welded_tube_019PTFE filter elements are produced by sintering pure PTFE granules, no other substances are used in the construction. These filter elements are usually offered when only 100% pure PTFE can be used. It is normally preferable to offer a K type disposable filter element, if suitable, as both pressure drop and life characteristics are superior to the PTFE elements. The advantage of PTFE is a higher maximum temperature, up to 200°C, and somewhat better chemical resistance. These filter elements should be ultrasonically cleaned to give best results.


    Standard Dimensions



    icon PTFE Filter Elements (179.14 kB 2010-09-23 15:22:54

    Published in Filter Elements
    Thursday, 23 September 2010 11:14

    Stainless Steel Filter Elements

    160-welded_tube_020Stainless steel filter elements are made up of several layers of 316 mesh that are sintered together to form an integrated porous element. The middle mesh is of very fine gauge and determines the filtration efficiency of the elements. This layer is then overlaid with inner and outer layers of coarser mesh, to give support and protection.

    The elements are a typical surface filter and the contaminants are retained on the surface of the filtration layer, this makes cleaning and back flushing a simple process. These filter elements should be ultrasonically cleaned to give best results.

    Stainless steel filter elements are particularly useful in heavily contaminated applications and for use as pre-filters before disposable type final filters. Gaskets are required with stainless steel filter elements. The options are Viton, PTFE or high temperature annealed copper.


    Standard Dimensions



    icon Stainless Steel And PTFE Filter Elements (179.14 kB 2010-09-23 15:22:54

    Published in Filter Elements
    Thursday, 23 September 2010 09:06

    Disposable Bonded Microfibre Filter Elements

    160-welded_tube_018Headline disposable filter elements are manufactured from precise mixtures of borosilicate glass microfibres, to the very highest standards of quality control. These elements offer exceptional filtration efficiency at very low pressure drops and, being 90+% void volume, give very long service life.

    The elements are self-gasketing and easily sealed into the housing by axial compression.

    The elements are bonded to impart high strength and eliminate fibre shedding. The choice between the different binders available will depend upon the application conditions.


    Particulate Removal Applications

    Standard elements are suitable for all particulate removal applications in non-corrosive gases. The coarsest grade that will adequay protect the application should be chosen, as this will result in the most economical solution to the contamination problem.

    K Type are specified where corrosive gases and liquids are to be filtered, as they have excellent chemical resistance. They are also used where highly reactive gases are being analysed, since they exhibit very low levels of adsorption.

    S Type are compley inorganic and are used at temperatures up to 500ºC or if solvents are present.


    Coalescing Aerosol Removal Applications

    C Type elements are specifically designed for the removal of liquid aerosols from gases in both corrosive and non-corrosive applications. These elements also remove particulates with the same efficiency.


    Filter Element Efficiency

    Each element type is available in a wide range of grades of efficiency, covering the complete range from coarse bulk contamination removal (grade 80) and the essentially complete removal of submicron particles (grade 40).



    Filter Element Dimensions

    All disposable filter elements have a part number arranged with three figures, e.g. 25-64-70C. The first part refers to the inside diameter of the element in millimetres, the second figure refers to the overall length of the element in millimetres and the third part refers to the grade designation. Replace the ‘xx’ in the part numbers listed below with the grade designation.


    Standard Size



    Special Sizes

    Special size filter elements are manufactured in a range of diameters and lengths.
    Inside Diameters - 10mm to 100mm
    Lengths -              10mm to 1000mm

    Please enquire with any specific requirements.


    icon Disposable Bonded Microfibre Filter Elements (72.42 kB 2010-09-23 11:05:48

    Published in Filter Elements





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