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    詳細內容/ Product Details


    MGM brake motors are asynchronous three-phase totally enclosed fan cooled motors.
    The motor brakes in the event of a power supply failure.
    The braking action is always obtained through a very quick and precise stop, thereby guaranteeing a safe and prompt intervention in the event of an unforeseen power supply failure.
    The braking action is obtained without shaft axial sliding and it provides equal braking torque in both directions of rotation.
    MGM brake motors are particularly suitable for hoisting and traverse applications, tooling machinery, automatic and transfer machinery in textile, ceramic and packing fields and in every situation where precision and quickness in braking are required.
    MGM brake motors are designed and assembled as real brake motors.
    The perfect engineering and assembling combined with a strong and safe brake, make these motors very reliable.
    As standard, on the IM B3 mounting (foot mounted), the feet are integrated in the frame (they are not simply attached to the frame) making the motor very sturdy.
    This feature is very important on those brake motor applications where the stress during start/stop is very high.
    The brake disc lining material is asbestos free with a high friction coefficient and is very long-lasting.
    Motors are provided with IP 54 enclosure rating and insulation class F.
    On request IP 55 or IP 56 enclosure ratings and class H insulation can be provided.
    All MGM motors are designed for use with an inverter.
    On request it is possible to supply the motor with the encoder fitted on the second shaft end or to have the second shaft end ready to be fitted with an encoder.
    For further information please refer to the encoder series section.
    MGM brake motors series are: BA and BM

    BM Series

    The BM series consists of three-phase, asynchronous brake motors totally enclosed fan cooled.
    The BM series frame size ranges from 56 up to 160.
    As standard the brake power supply is DC with a rectifier integrated in the terminal box.
    The rectifier is provided with an over-voltage and radio frequency emission protection device.
    The cooling fan is fitted at non-drive shaft end.
    BM series main features are low braking noise, gradual acceleration during the motor start and stop 

    現貨供應, *
    頻率 : 50HZ, 60HZ
    零配件充份供應。入電 三相220V/380V
    功率 0.18kW ~ 37kW
    價(jià)格條款︰ 款到出貨
    包裝︰ 意大利進(jìn)口
    交貨期︰ 現貨供應
    質(zhì)量/安全認證︰ CCC



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