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    詳細內容/ Product Details

    OLAER,奧萊爾法國OLAER奧萊爾是非常有名液壓產(chǎn)品廠(chǎng)商??偛吭O在法國。集團下屬近20家分公司,產(chǎn)品遍及世界各地。OLAER主要產(chǎn)品有:蓄能器、過(guò)濾器、液壓泵、液壓馬達、熱交換器等。廣泛應用于:石油工業(yè),航空工業(yè),原子能工業(yè),食品工業(yè)等領(lǐng)域。 OLAER產(chǎn)品 OLAER標準皮囊式蓄能器, OLAER高壓儲能器,OLAER低壓儲能器, OLAER隔離式蓄能器, OLAER大體積蓄能器, OLAER活塞式蓄能器, OLAEROLAER脈動(dòng)式蓄能器, OLAER蓄電池隔板, OLAER蓄電池, OLAER蓄電池配件, OLAER脈動(dòng)阻尼器, OLAER累加器……OLAER標準皮囊式蓄能器 OLAER GNX系列螺紋連接皮囊式蓄能器OLAER GNXF系列法蘭連接皮囊式蓄能器OLAER歐洲皮囊式蓄能器 OLAER EHV系列高壓皮囊式蓄能器OLAER EHVF系列高壓法蘭連接皮囊式蓄能器OLAER EBV系列低壓皮囊式蓄能器OLAER歐式小容積蓄能器 OLAER ELM系列不可拆的膜片式蓄能器OLAER ELV系列可拆的皮囊式蓄能器OLAER大容積蓄能器 OLAER LD系列大容積蓄能器OLAER VLD系列超大容積蓄能器OLAER柱塞式蓄能器 OLAER AK系列柱塞式蓄能器OLAER蓄能器附件 集成閥塊充氣工具蓄能器安裝板帶有橡膠圈的支架輕型固定箍標準型固定箍SAE法蘭分離器蓄能器接頭


    Olaer introduces Charlatte

    Olaer has over 70 years experience in selling high pressure (up to 700 bar), small volume, bladder type pressure vessels used for Storage, Valve Closure and emergency standby applications. We have now complimented our range with a new range of bladder accumulators design for large volume – low pressure surge applications. This type of low pressure units is designed for water applications. This new range is also complimented by a waste water range.

    A primary use for this range of units is protection of pipe networks. Typically this means surge. Surge is a liquid pressure transient that can occur due to pump shutdown, pump start-up and sudden valve actuations. Surges can produce fatigue and catastrophic failure of the pipes. For more detailed information on surge please refer to this document.

    Product: Large Bladder Vessels up to 120,000 Ltr

    Main Advantages:

    • Low Maintenance

    • No need for a compressor

    • Self contained

    • No Corrosion - Fluid is contained in a Butyl Bladder

    • No Need for Electricity

    Bladder accumulators have the same mission with regard to surge control as the traditional compressor vessel. The objective of this pneumatic solution is to simplify the method of regulation.

    In a similar way to a vessel controlled by compressors, a pre-charge pressure is calculated to give the required elasticity to push the water into the system following a pump shut down or power cut.

    One of the major advantages with the Charlatte Surge Vessel is that you do not require a Compressor which is costly to install and maintain. Charlatte Vessels are self contained and need no power supply for them to function.

    The major difference with Bladder Surge Vessel being that the liquid is contained within a rubber bladder (compatible with drinking water). Therefore, as there is no contact between the compressed air and the wate, there is no dissolution of the air into the water. There is thus no requirement for a permanent regulation system including compressors.

    Another advantage is that the potential for internal corrosion is reduced dramatically due to the fact that water is contained inside the rubber bladder and does not come into contact with the steel vessel.

    Once the vessel has been commissioned and the correct precharge has been applied, the vessel will operate automatically emptying when called upon and refilling with the return waves until naturally finding its steady state balance.

    Charlatte have been successfully manufacturing bladder vessels for over 30 years, ranging in volume from 8 to 120,000 litres.

    Above vessels can be also used for storage and pulsation dampening applications.

    The vessel can either be horizontal or vertical. It comprises of a steel vessel containing a rubber bladder made from butyl rubber, (suitable for use with drinking water) and a flanged connection pipe equipped with anti-extrusion grill.
    The vessels are treated internally with food quality epoxy paint as corrosion protection and externally to client specification.

    In order to verify the level the vessel it is normally equipped with a level indicator (for large vessels) as well as a manometer to verify the initial precharge pressure.

    These units are now commonly used on surge systems throughout Europe and the U.S.

    For information about Water Surge Vessels, download the following document:



    Charlatte Water Surge Vessels





    Charlatte vessel clear water


    Charlatte surge vessel waste water


    charlatte surge vessel waste water



      安諾科技(北京恒遠安諾科技有限公司),致力于為客戶(hù)提供德國及歐洲生產(chǎn)的各類(lèi)工控機電設備、儀器儀表、零配件,保證100%原裝*。公司總部設在歐洲航空中心法蘭克福,距法蘭克福機場(chǎng)僅35km, 通過(guò)拼單發(fā)貨的物流方式,小訂單也不用承擔高運費,zui大程度地為客戶(hù)節省采購成本,因此本公司所有產(chǎn)品均不設zui小訂單金額或zui小訂購數量。











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