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    Horst Witte夾具

    描述:Horst Witte夾具

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    詳細內容/ Product Details


    ALUFIX - Systematic Reliability

    Reliability from market leader in fixture building
    with 25 years of experience and more than 10.000 systems sold worldwide

    Why and when do you need this system?

    • You want a fast solution with short reaction times and high flexibility?
    • Immediate availability is a must for you because planning time is getting shorter and shorter?
    • You want to remain independent and prefer "do it yourself"?

    ALUFIX supports you fourfold to master these situations successfully

    What does this mean?


    Planning reliability

    Planning reliability

    ALUFIX shortens your planning time and gives you a high degree of freedom with

    100% compatibility

    100% continuity

    100% availability

    • All system sizes can be combined
    • No weight or size limits
    • Can be used with other systems and clamps
    • ALUFIX has been on the market for 25 years
    • Basic design has always remained the same
    • Original components still valid today
    • Over 90% of components on stock
    • Own manufacturing facilities with modern workshop

    Investment reliability

    Investment reliability

    ALUFIX offers you 4 tangible commercial advantages

    100% quality

    100% cost effective

    Compared to dedicated fixtures Alufix gives you a financial advantage already from second application onwards.

    100% recoverability

    ALUFIX quality standard

    • High-tensile basic material as used in aircraft industry
    • Comprehensive machining for highest precision
    • Patented wear-resistant connection technology
    • Fast return of investment
    • Productivity advantage by minimizing your standing times
    • Multiple application possibilities with few components

    Compare cost

    • Extremely wear-resistant
    • High accuracy with tolerances upto H7/js7
    • Consequential system continuity

    Functional reliability

    Functional reliability

    ALUFIX saves you time and money, because all tasks are solved quickly and accuray:

    100% inligence

    100% easy handling

    100% speed

    High versatility using patented characteristics

    • Outer dimensions of standard components are a multiple of grid size
    • Bore diameter is always half of grid distance
    • Through bores in three directions
    • Low weight and high dimensional accuracy
    • No large storage space required when fixtures are disassembled
    • Few special assembly tools necessary
    • ALUFIX-EXPERT software for short term feasibility studies, for planning or simple partlists and pre design drawings
    • Parts library ALUFIX FIXMES for common CAD applications

    Service reliability

    Service reliability

    Services around ALUFIX leave nothing to be desired:

    100% Service

    • Free training at company headquarters
    • Four service stations in Germany
    • On the spot support
    • Subsidiaries in Singapore, Mexico and USA
    • Worldwide agent and distributor network
    • Project management
    • Many long-term employees with decades of experience at your disposal


     安諾科技(北京恒遠安諾科技有限公司),致力于為客戶(hù)提供德國及歐洲生產(chǎn)的各類(lèi)工控機電設備、儀器儀表、零配件,保證100%原裝*。公司總部設在歐洲航空中心法蘭克福,距法蘭克福機場(chǎng)僅35km, 通過(guò)拼單發(fā)貨的物流方式,小訂單也不用承擔高運費,zui大程度地為客戶(hù)節省采購成本,因此本公司所有產(chǎn)品均不設zui小訂單金額或zui小訂購數量。
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